How to get the most
out of your
CrossFit workouts

How to get the most out of your CrossFit workouts

CrossFit is one of the world’s most popular types of fitness class. A high-intensity workout that is renowned for building muscle, encouraging weight loss, and improving general fitness, it offers variety of interesting challenges. That said, we also recognize that it can seem like an intimidating workout. Especially if you’re new to exercise, watching advanced fitness fanatics effortlessly completing deadlifts, squats, jumps, presses and other tricky CrossFit moves can be daunting.

But in reality, CrossFit is accessible to everyone, and it can be adapted to suit all fitness levels. However, it’s important that you come into your first session fully prepared, and there are certain dos and don’ts that every participant should follow. So, to ensure everyone gets the most out of their CrossFit workouts – whether they’re a total newbie or a regular attendee – we have compiled a list of tips to help you reap maximum enjoyment and benefits from this amazing workout form. Spanning everything from what to eat, how to avoid injury, and the importance of the whiteboard, we’ve got everything you need to know right here.

1. Set realistic goals

You can’t expect to lose tonnes of weight or bump up to the heaviest weights in just one week of CrossFit classes. Start by setting yourself short-term and realistic goals, before working your way up to more challenging and ambitious ones.

2. Listen and read the whiteboard carefully

CrossFit classes involve a whole variety of different moves, and your coach will write them all down on a whiteboard and explain them to you at the start of every class. It might sound obvious, but it’s crucial that you give this introductory talk your full attention.

Make sure you read through the routine and, if you don’t understand anything, ask!  The moves change with every class, and you don’t want to have to return to the board halfway through the workout because you’ve forgotten what you should do next. This will disrupt your momentum, and stop you from getting the most out of your session.

3. Focus on form

This is perhaps the most important thing to remember before going into a CrossFit class. Your priority should be quality not quantity. It’s better to complete less reps safely and effectively, then do as many as you can and end up injuring yourself.

Take the time to learn how to do each move properly and, once again, if you’re not sure, ask your CrossFit coach. They will be more than happy to guide you through the correct form.

4. Take it steady

CrossFit uses up heaps of energy and burns loads of calories. If you go into your class full throttle, you will soon tire yourself out and potentially even struggle to finish the workout. Over doing it and pushing yourself too hard also increases your chance of injury. The best CrossFit participants pace themselves. Learn to work at a speed that suits your body and abilities, and make sure you conserve enough energy to get you through to the end safely.

5. Fuel yourself properly

The quality of your nutrition hugely impacts the success of your CrossFit journey. Away from your classes, try to maintain a balanced diet that includes protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, and never come into a session feeling hungry. Eating a healthy snack or meal a few hours before your classic will help you perform at its best, and refuelling afterwards is equally essential, too.

Of course, hydration is also key. Keep your hydration levels high by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your CrossFit workouts, and you might even want to invest in some hydration tablets, too. 

Healthy meals
Woman enjoying a massage

6. Rest, stretch, and listen to your body

If you go from doing barely any exercise to doing an intense CrossFit session every day, you will almost certainly suffer from burnout or some form of injury. Make sure you take at least one rest day a week. Listening to your body is crucial, and taking time to rest and recover is just as important as what you do during your workouts. 

Stretching will help reduce muscle soreness and improve your flexibility; while aiming to sleep for at least seven hours a night will also speed up your recovery process. If you prioritize rest, you will go into every workout feeling refreshed and full of energy, and you’ll be able to reap maximum benefits and results from every session. 

7. Get to know your classmates

Don’t be afraid to chat to the other participants in your CrossFit classes. Fitness classes are a great place to make friends with like-minded individuals. The other people in your class can also provide you with extra motivation and support, and getting to them can make the whole experience even more enjoyable, and keep you committed to attending every session. You can support each other as you work towards your goals, and encourage each other to push yourselves and try new things.

A group of people working out on cycling machines

CrossFit at Studio-Republik

Our experienced team of CrossFit instructors have competed across the world, and they are skilled at creating results-driven programs that increase strength and endurance in rapid time. Studio-Republik has built up a vibrant community of CrossFit lovers, and we are always looking for new people to join us.

For more information and advice about the exciting world of CrossFit, please visit our CrossFit page

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SUN to FRI 5:30 AM to 11:00 PM

SAT 5:30 AM to 9:00 PM


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